Thursday, May 24, 2012

New Family Member

I found a baby bird in my driveway last night.

I took him inside, put him in a box with warmed towels and Harmony and Virginia stood watch over him.

A few minutes later, Harmony came running down the hallway and gleefully exclaimed, "Momma! He's pecking the side of the box!"

"Mmm hmm, he is?"

"Yes! I'm going to name him Pecker!"

Pecker McKnob. Does it get any better?


Lala711 said...

No, I think that would be the perfect name. So glad to see you posting again!

RunninL8 said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Perfecto!

Osbasso said...

I'm certain that living in your home would be a fun time!

Cat K said...

I see nothing wrong with that name. :D

Dawn said...

You always make me laugh

Anonymous said...

I hope Devon, Virginia and Harmony are doing well. It's clear they've been through a lot, but always with your love to guide them. Stay strong and good luck.

Oh yeah, and please keep writing. The internets suck when you're away.

BrigitteBordeaux said...

glad you are back!

BikerbabeNJ said...

could be worse... I saw a name the other day... Richard (Rick) Butt... somehow, my mind's ears just couldn't hear that one THAT way... idk

Al said...

At work they kept announcing over the speakers "Ben Dover, Please call XXXXX, Ben Dover"
I always figured it was a joke, until I met the man.
Some people's parents must dislike their kids.

Dizzy Ms. Lizzy said...

A - hahahaha!

Priceless! :-)

Anonymous said...

Please take a lunch break, grab your phone and WRITE!!! I need a Crystal McKnob fix...and I must know how Pecker is doing. :)

lee said...

i'm glad you're back! you were missed!

sometimes life sucks, but sometimes it swallows.

HeliMom said...

Laughed til I peed! Hilarious.